Here's a true story for you.
A couple weeks ago Zach and Jackie came over to my house around nine o'clock at night.
Jackie's boyfriend then drove over and Jackie went outside to talk to him.
Zach and I quickly became bored and decided that we should try to eavesdrop on Jackie and Mike, believing that they were surely talking about stupid lovey-dovey garbage.
After an hour and a half of failure Zach and I gave it up and sat in my living room, throughly defeated, but joking about all the stupid ways we had tried to eavesdrop.
After awhile I looked out the window, and Jackie and Mike were nowhere to be seen.
When I crept around the back of the house to check, I found that they were standing next to the garage door.
I ran inside and grabbed Zach.
We quickly found our way into the garage and next to the garage door.
We could see Jackie's shadow on the floor.
We listened. Here's the dialogue...
JACKIE: When I was young ... (something) ... didn't know it was wrong.
MIKE: (something).
JACKIE: I feel ashamed... (something).
MIKE: Well next time you feel like it call me.
JACKIE: I like... (something).
MIKE: (something)... I'm just gonna say it... you like making yourself puke into a toilet?
JACKIE: (something).
MIKE: You feel good after you do it and thats why you keep doing it. You do it when you feel good so you will feel better and you do it even more when you feel bad because you want to feel good.
JACKIE: How do you know all this? It's like you're reading my mind. (This statement made me mad, its such crap. Who wouldn't know that?)
MIKE: I know you, I know you so well. I know you better than you know yourself.
Then Zach and I left.
When we got inside Zach and I were initially very excited because we had finally succeeded in our task.
We hugged, engulfed in excitement.
Then reality kind of set in.
The one thing I remember most is something Zach said.
Zack said that he thought Jackie was the perfect girl, but now she's just like every other girl. Insecure.
It was then that I decided to put my problems in the past.
The stupid eating habits I had during the year and the crazy exercising I had to do as a result.
And the even dumber eating habits I had this summer, which was even more food and no exercising, as I had quit my soccer team (coach was a serious ass) and was burnt out on jogging.
I gained 15 to 20 pounds this summer.
I hated every second of it.
When I initially gained 3 pounds I freaked out.
When I gained 5 I shut down in despair.
When I gained 10 I cried for days.
At 15 I saw a therapist and a nutritionalist.
I didn't go back after the first session.
I didn't think they could tell me anything I didn't already know.
But Zach's comment made me happy I hadn't tried purging.
I mean, I tried once or twice, but I didn't really work out for me.
But I was now on cross country and avoiding scales at all costs.
I'm still on cross country, and haven't been on a scale since.
I still feel fat a lot, but I don't feel like shit anymore.
And I can tell that I have lost at least five pounds, but I'm still too nervous to step on a scale.
I want to loose all the weight though.
I'm determined.
I want to look healthy and fit for Prom and for Costa Rica this summer.
This summer sucked. But I grew in my pain.
I came to truly understand the phrase "You don't know what you've got until its gone."
And I stress out over school work less. Still a lot, but less.
I appreciate people and the world more.
I read one other thing that helped me a lot. It was in Cosmopolitan magazine.
It said something like, "People are much more concerned with themselves than they are you."
When I returned to school, I was even nicer to be.
I've thrown caution to the wind.
I say whatever I want to say, the second I want to say it.
I complement people constantly.
I can make conversation with anyone.
And everyone still loves me.
And I still love everyone.
I don't get as jealous.
I just focus on self improvement.
I want to lose the weight. So I will.
I have to stay vigilant, but I know that I can do this.
I have the willpower.
Prom and Costa Rica (mostly Costa Rica) are constantly on my mind.
I can do this.
The right way, the healthy way with good diet and exercise.
I will never do what Jackie does.
And I still don't know what to do about Jackie.
I think this is why I feel like something's wrong/bad about Mike.