Tuesday, September 6, 2011


I wonder how much other people daydream.
I daydream all the time it seems.  Every second.
I like it and it makes me happy.  I love my imagination.
I believe that my imagination is what makes me so creative and outspoken (I know, not very humble).
But seriously, every single second of my life is in a kind of fog.
I'm always dreaming about something.
Sometimes I feel bad about it.  I have always heard that a dreamer is nothing if they don't do anything about it.
But I want to do something with it.  I really do.
I want to make movies, I want to make television shows.
I want to work in advertising, I want to be an entrepreneur.

I have a lot of daydreams, as I said.
I dream about my brother and his life and everything I want for him.  I want everything for him.
I dream about my sister and her heart and mind and everything I want to fill them.  I want her to have the strength to be herself.
I dream about my friends and how they're making the wrong or right choices.  I dream about why they are stupid and why they are smart.   I dream about their lives and where they are going.
Sometimes I laugh about these daydreams and sometimes I cry.
But really I guess they are not daydreams, they are prayers.

I pray my brother loves his job.
I pray my sister finds someone she can be herself with.
I pray Jackie stops caring what other people think so she can finally enjoy her beautiful life.
I pray Katie stays in my life forever.  I want her to learn from me and I want to learn for her.
I pray Marie stays innocent.  I want her to stay ignorant.
I pray Christina learns that she is strong and that she can stand up for herself.

This summer I thought I was drowning, but I was just growing.
I pray the next time I grow I see the silver lining.

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